Nigeria Trip

Nigeria Trip

Pastor Dave will be speaking and partner with a church in Warri,
Nigeria, September 5-17. He has been invited by Pastor Emmanuel
Ufuah to help celebrate his church’s 14th anniversary and to be integral in
their outreach that week to their city of 400,000 people. He’ll also be
speaking to a group of 75 pastors who will be gathering toward the end
of that week for equipping, encouraging and helping with their
ministries. It includes 2 days of travel and 10 days in country.
Pray for spiritual covering, for God’s blessings and protection, for open
doors for the gospel, for equipping and encouragement and that the
kingdom of heaven would advance; short- and long-term. Pray for
Pastor Dave and for his family during this time of local ministry absence.

Sign up here to be part of the 22 Days of Prayer surrounding this trip: