A Note from the Pastors…
We want you to discover what we’ve experienced first-hand; a living and real God who has helped us pass from darkness to light, from being lost to being found, from being conformed by our external pressures to being transformed from the inside-out!!
This God takes us just as we are. We don’t have to clean up, fix our own souls or jump through a bunch of religious hoops to get Him to accept us. The Scriptures tell us that He sent His son, Jesus Christ, into the world to save us from our sins. It is Jesus being meeting us on our turf. It is God being ‘incarnational’; emptying himself and taking the form of a man.
But He also loves us too much to let us stay where we are. His Holy Spirit invades us when we come into personal faith in Jesus; illuminating our path and giving us the power to live out our lives in truth and with tremendous joy and strength.
What a journey it is!! We invite you to join us on it! We show up every Sunday @ 10:30 a.m. to learn, love, serve and grow TOGETHER! We’ll see you soon!
Pastors Dave, Tom and Daniel
About Us
Evergreen Community Church is a non-denominational Christian church in Manassas, Virginia. We meet every Sunday at 10:30 am in the Boys & Girls Club of Manassas. We also offer many mid-week small group Bible studies and other programs for men, women, singles, Senior/Junior High, and kids.
As followers of Jesus we partner and network with other local, regional and national Christian churches and ministries to spread the Good News (gospel) of hope, build people’s faith, train others to be servant-leaders and send them into new adventures!
Evergreen is committed to helping people become three-dimensional followers of Jesus by growing Deeper in Christ, Stronger in Community, and Wider in Influence. Click here to read about What We Believe.
At Evergreen, we take a realistic approach to the problems of life and how God is relevant. Each message is uniquely designed, offering Biblical answers for today’s challenges. We offer opportunities for people to explore Christianity through worship, communion, authentic relationships and extended Bible studies. You can get involved at your own pace and in your own way.
Evergreen is a community church and a family-friendly church. We have great programs for kids of all ages.
Plan a Visit!
We’d love to meet you and answer any questions you may have. Explore our site to find more information about our core beliefs, history, and church-wide programs. Come as you are and visit us this weekend!
What to Expect
What We Believe