Brave Hearts Men’s Ministry
Be watchful, stand firm in the faith,
act like men, be strong.
1 Corinthians 16:13
This group is for men ages 16 and older who desire to learn what the Bible teaches about being a real man. Standing up and being the man God intended you to be in this culture can feel like swimming upstream in a strong river.
Join with the men at Evergreen Community Church who, though not perfect, are like-minded and will do the hard things to fulfill God’s purpose in life with steadfast conviction!

Building Kingdom Men who reject passivity, take responsibility, lead courageously, and wait for God’s reward.
Equipping men to have a Godly impact on their family, relationships, church, and community by developing character that demonstrates humility, unity, and service.
Our men’s ministry is built around the following activities…
BBQ & Target Practice – this annual gathering is designed for a man! BBQ, cornhole, and .22 target competition, while enjoying fellowship together.
Monthly Prayer Time – on the 3rd Thursday of each month, we gather around a firepit and pray. We pray for each man of the church, our country, sing scripture songs and take communion.
Spring Service Project – we gather for an early breakfast then have a time to get to work blessing the Club where we meet for worship and any members with projects they need help with.
Quarterly activities just for men and sometimes including their boy(s). Activities range from, camping, hiking, New Year’s Flag Football, ultimate Frisbee, billiards, running, cards, board games, Horseshoes and BBQ, and service projects.
Service Projects – Men at Work!
Every year the men of Evergreen take on a project to make a difference in our community. Following are photos of the most recent project: replacing the tile and beautifying the outdoors at the Boys & Girls Club in Manassas.
Small Groups
Specific Bible studies for men. Meeting weekly and focusing on topics such as daily quiet time, prayer, leadership, family, work, and living for Christ.
We get together at least once a year as a group of men to learn, grow, and share what God is doing in our lives. Always fun to have some friendly, competitive sport games too!
Resources for Men
- The Rise of the Servant Kings, by Ken Harrison, www.riseoftheservantkings.com
- Dr. Robert Lewis’ study: The Quest for Authentic Manhood, www.mensfraternity.com/products
- Dennis Rainey’s study: Stepping Up, www.familylife.com/steppingup