Register Here: Foundations Class Registration – Google Forms
Ready to kick-start the year with building a firm, and resilient, foundation to your life? The Foundations Class starts Friday, January 17, and runs for 6 weeks. Gathering will be from 7-8:30 p.m. @ Vita Nova Creatives & Coffee (13051 Fitzwater Dr, Nokesville, VA 20181).
Who should attend?
*Newer believers in Christ who would like foundational understanding on the topics of Scriptures, Prayer, the Spiritual Battle, the Body of Christ and becoming Salt and Light within our world
*Older believers who would like to revisit these topics, sharpen them, and press on in their faith journey and calling
*Anyone who would like to help with one or more of the sessions and help mentor others!
Questions? Contact Pastors Dave Blum or Tom Millar
Session 1 – The Scriptures
What makes them inspired and the ultimate source of truth? What are the different genres and purposes for the 66 books? How are Old and New Testaments similar and distinctive? Biblical worldview, God’s Story and Our Story (how it fits).
Session 2 – Hear, Read, Study, Meditate, Obey [Get a Grasp on God’s Word]
Practical ways to connect personally with Jesus and renew your mind with God’s word. Why the truth matters in sanctification. SOAP and other approaches toward consistent meaningful times in the Word.
Session 3 – Prayer
What is it? ACTS and ongoing Communion with the Lord. What are the things that hinder it: unanswered prayer, confusion, denying the flesh. Why it’s critical and practical ways to cultivate it. Decision-making and Hearing God’s Voice!
Session 4 – The Spiritual Battle
As believers we have enemies: World, Flesh and Devil. How they converge and, especially, ways to overcome them while avoiding imbalanced and misapplied responses. Spiritual breathing and the daily walk. Our position (justification) and our transformation (sanctification).
Session 5 – The Body
What is the Church (ecclesia, a called out gathering of people)? Why did Jesus institute it? What are some ways to create strong bonds of love, trust and mission with other believers? Pitfalls and disappointments experienced. How to contribute best to it and ‘fulfill your part’ in the Body.
Session 6 – Salt and Light
The Incarnational ministry of Jesus AND His followers. What does it mean to follow Jesus and how do we influence others for Christ? Grace and Truth blended appropriately. A simple, but effective, way to share Your Story of faith (testimony) and His Story of redemption (the gospel).
Register Here: Foundations Class Registration – Google Forms